(collectively known as Largs Medical Group)
Drs Clark, Auld, Timmons, Greenfield & Lewis
20 Aitken Street, Largs
01475 674545
Frazer Street Surgery
10-14 Frazer Street, Largs
01475 673380

Ayrshire Doctors on Call:
If you require a doctor out of hours for urgent medical care please contact Ayrshire Doctors on Call by telephoning 01563 54 55 56. The service is available weekdays from 5.30pm-8.30pm, and from 5.30pm on Fridays to 8.30am on Monday to cover weekends.

W.P.G. Mitchell
26 Wilson Street, Largs
01475 672009
Jamieson & Brown
46 Main Street, Largs
01475 673399
Veterinary Services
The Oaks Veterinary Centre
2 - 4 Lade Street, Largs
01475 673644

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